
May Our Children and Grandchildren


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About the Hymn

This text, like Psalm 78 itself, is both simple and profound. As we nurture the next generation, nothing is more important than sharing what we have heard and known: “the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

Those praiseworthy deeds, “tales of grace and tales of glory,” as the hymn puts it, point directly to Christ, the one who has “hands still bearing scars.” Jesus, who “gave all he could give,” is the centerpiece of Scripture and of our faith.

It’s commonly said that we are always just one generation away from losing the promise. We parents, teachers, sponsors, pastors—all Christians—have been called to the beautiful responsibility of sharing the gospel with our children, who will then share it with their children and those yet to be born. This all-important “telling” occurs at home and in church, where Christians gather as a group around Word and Sacrament.

This simple text and rhythmic tune make it suitable not only for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, but also for any worship service where many children are present, such as a Sunday school opening, vacation Bible school closing, or parochial school grandparents’ day.

The hymn should be performed at a lilting♩. = ca. 52.



May our children and grandchildren and those yet to be born
come to know the love of Jesus, Jesus Christ our Lord.

1. Tell the children all the wonders you yourselves have heard:
Tales of grace and tales of glory written in the Word:
kings and prophets, tents and temples, promise in the stars.
Flood and famine, slaughtered lamb, and hands still bearing scars.

2. Bring your sons and bring your daughters to the house of God.
Come and wash them in the water, bathe them in the Word;
take and eat the blood and body; teach the prayers and creeds;
join the praise they raise in hymns and joyful harmony.

3. Soon these children will bear children, their own families.
Will they share these tales of hist’ry and eternity?
Will they tell their children Jesus gave all he could give
that his precious sons and daughters would forever live?

4. So then parents, teachers, sponsors, you possess a prize:
God’s good news that all’s forgiven through the work of Christ.
God has called you to this previous gospel lineage.
Teach your children and grandchildren this great heritage.

© 2017 Laurie F. Gauger

Lectionary Reading

Year A, Season after Pentecost, Proper 27 (32): Psalm 78:1–7

maskil of Asaph.

My people, hear my teaching;
    listen to the words of my mouth.
I will open my mouth with a parable;
    I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
things we have heard and known,
    things our ancestors have told us.
We will not hide them from their descendants;
    we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
    his power, and the wonders he has done.
He decreed statutes for Jacob
    and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors
    to teach their children,
so the next generation would know them,
    even the children yet to be born,
    and they in turn would tell their children.
Then they would put their trust in God
    and would not forget his deeds
    but would keep his commands.

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

May Our Children and Grandchildren
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