“Each Life Is Yours, O God Above” speaks to life and creation and the value of every individual. As each Trinitarian person’s contribution is noted in the verses, life is affirmed as a creation of and a gift from God: the Father sculpts Adam from clay at the beginning and knits us in the secret place, echoing Psalm 139; the Son sacrifices his life for us in exchange for our eternal salvation; and the Spirit breathes life and faith to the end.
Thus, as the title affirms, all life belongs to God and is a priceless gift that must always be prized, protected, and loved.
“Each Life Is Yours, O God Above” was written for the Chancel Choir of First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Gastonia, NC, and premiered under the direction of the composer on Sunday, March 10, 2019.
O Father, on the world’s sixth day,
you sculpted Adam from the clay.
You formed us too in secret place
and wrote the number of our days.
O Jesus, born into our race,
as second Adam in our place
you gave your life on death’s dark tree
to win for us eternity.
O Spirit, life to all you give.
You breathed in Adam, made him live.
Now breathe in us new life and faith
and hold us in your hands till death.
O Lord of Life, all life is yours.
Your hand creates, your breath restores.
Your Word, the Christ, took life on earth
to prove our lives have lasting worth.
Each life is yours, O God above,
a gift to prize, protect, and love.
© 2019 Laurie F. Gauger
First ARP Chancel Choir, Philip Biedenbender, conductor
Trip McGill, piano
March 10, 2019
First ARP Church, Gastonia, NC